First and foremost, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a fundamental aspect of every online business and service agency in various industries. In simple terms, SEO as a whole involves typical factors that optimize your content, enhance natural traffic, generate new potential customers, and ultimately gain more recognition/profit in your niche market.

How to get noticed on etsy?

If you want to get noticed on etsy, you have to improve your SEO, which means optimizing your Etsy shop SEO to strengthen your brand influence and compete for the first page is crucial, because not being on the first page means you will lose 75% of your organic growth search opportunities.

By now, you might have guessed that the best way to do this is by learning how to harness the power of SEO best practices on Etsy to boost rankings, automate processes, and enhance overall success.

How to Improve Etsy SEO

In ecommerce, visibility is the name of the game. Therefore, enhancing your visibility on Etsy should be a top priority from day one. To boost your store's authority through Etsy marketing and SEO, you should start by finding the right keywords for your products. To be found on Etsy, you should understand the basics about keywords.


Keywords are the heart and soul of SEO. In simple terms, these search terms allow your content or text to be displayed when people search for specific content online. For instance, the keyword for a New York dentist would be "New York dentist" - in this case, it's a key phrase rather than a single keyword.

This is a vital component of SEO because without it, your Etsy SEO efforts would be meaningless. Keywords directly link your product to specific search terms, highlighting their powerful functionality.

Short-tail and Long-tail Keywords

Keyword research, whether short-tail or long-tail, is the backbone of optimizing your Etsy store.

Etsy's algorithm selects and showcases the first batch of products based on the first few keywords people type into the search bar.

From there, Etsy automatically completes the next set of higher-ranking Etsy keywords for searchers.

The keywords and phrases you choose can help you achieve high rankings.

As a reference, a good short-tail keyword for people searching for general information about the platform would be "necklace," while a good long-tail keyword for more specific searches could be "handmade green necklace on Etsy."

Ideally, you want to use both short-tail and long-tail keywords to optimize your Etsy search potential from various angles.

How to Find Keywords

To gain more insight into this, find keywords of this nature,

  • Use Etsy SEO tools such as erank or Marmalead to find keywords.

Additionally, Esale provides you with an SEO tool, the SEO Tool Google extension. This is a completely free SEO tool that assists in boosting your SEO. It not only analyzes keywords but also provides suggestions and help regarding your listing optimization and advertising payment situation.

  • Use Google Trends to see what people are searching for on that search engine.
  • Use Etsy search to find the most specific/most popular keywords.
  • Brainstorm - After obtaining results - you should come up with a total of 4 keywords.

As for the 4 keywords you choose, the first one should be the word or phrase you think your audience is most likely to search for. It could be something like "handmade necklace."

From there, your second and third ones will be the next things you think they might search for after the first one.

Occasion Etsy users might be searching for terms like Halloween gifts, Christmas stockings, first-anniversary gifts, or wedding party.

Style Shoppers often consider aesthetic factors, so consider how this influences how your product information is discovered. Is your product rustic, minimalistic, natural, art deco, etc.?

Solution Does your product offer solutions to buyers? Consider how users might search for problem-solving procedures, such as wedding party balloons or pet name tags.

How to Use Keywords on Etsy?

This is no longer about keyword density. In the early days of SEO, having multiple keywords in your posts was crucial. However, nowadays, placement is more important. SEO is a very dynamic practice. If you want to make the most out of keywords, you must know the correct placement.


The first few words of the title are the most important for helping your product be seen through specific keywords.

Most items on the first page will include these exact keywords at the beginning of the title.

Placing your exact keywords at the start of the title means your keywords are the first few words when creating listing links,

This means your product is more likely to be found through these keywords.

This idea counters the notion that your title must match your tags (which we'll discuss later). It's not true. Do not repeat keywords from your title on tags or keywords from tags on the title; otherwise, you will lose the chance to be found on Etsy.


Place the most important keywords within the first 40 characters of your product description. This allows it to show up in the meta description.


Tags are different from keywords. They are a form of metadata that categorizes your listing for specific links. In simple terms, you can think of tags as an index, and your listings will link to specific words like letters. Using tags correctly is another key to Etsy success and might even get your posts to popular positions in Etsy searches.

One of the key techniques for tags is to add keywords to them. This further enhances the efficiency of SEO.

6 Easy Tips for your SEO on Etsy

Etsy is a great marketplace for selling products. However, keep in mind that there are thousands or even millions of other sellers on this platform. Standing out is challenging, especially when you have many others to compete with. This is why optimizing your marketing efforts to help you stand out is crucial.

Regardless of whether you are selling on Etsy or any other online marketplace, proper marketing practices are a must. SEO is vital for everyone. If you want greater success, consider these essential tips tailored for your Etsy shop.

1) Choose a Descriptive Shop Title

Your etsy shop name is the first thing people see and read. It's essential that from the start, you can distinguish what your business is about. Your potential customers shouldn't have to read an entire paragraph to understand what you offer. Let them know what you have as quickly as possible.

Make sure to include words related to your business in your shop title. This way, your shop will pop up when your customers perform specific searches on Etsy. Also, having a unique store name compared to your competitors is important, so make sure to research your competitors appropriately.

2) Avoid Keyword Stuffing

One common misconception about SEO is that your efforts should primarily focus on keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing refers to excessively using keywords so that your shop appears more frequently to users. However, this practice might lead to penalties from Etsy.

SEO algorithms have evolved. Now, you can use some keywords as long as they are placed correctly. Consider placing one or two keywords every 100 words of text; this should be sufficient. Don't overcrowd your posts, as it may make your store less appealing.

3) Use All 13 Tags for Each Listing

A significant feature of Etsy is tags. These essentially categorize your store into specific sections. This makes your store more noticeable in certain categories, making it easier for potential customers to find them. Don't be afraid to use tags. If used correctly, they can be very advantageous for your store.

In total, you can add 13 tags for each listing. Use all of them. Doing so can increase the visibility of your listings. Just make sure you place the right tags so that your items won't end up in the wrong places.

4) Place Important Keywords at the Beginning of Each Field

Remember when we said placing keywords in the right positions is more crucial than stuffing them into the middle of your posts? This is what we meant. Ensure to put keywords at the beginning of each field. This makes the keywords easier to detect and more apparent.

One of the last things you want to do is place keywords in the middle of lengthy texts. This makes it harder for algorithms to detect keywords, meaning your SEO isn't correct. Most importantly, avoid forcing keywords. Make sure they are seamlessly inserted.

5) Refresh Your Listings

Update your listings as much as possible. One thing to know about Etsy is that old posts are pushed lower because they are no longer the platform's priority. Refreshing and updating your posts periodically is crucial; this way, Etsy can focus on placing them at the top of store listings.

Refreshing your listings is a vital practice, one you should never forget. Ideally, you want to refresh your listings at least once a month. This is enough to ensure your posts remain relevant on the platform.

6) Acquire Inbound Links

In terms of SEO, link building is a crucial practice. It helps establish your authority and can also connect your business with the markets of other online entities. If you want to maximize your influence, consider adding inbound links to your posts.

When placing inbound links, make sure these links come from authoritative websites. Avoid linking to content farms, as these will only cause more significant harm to your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Link building might be tricky initially, but with the right efforts, it will be easier to gain more partnerships in the future.

Of course, you can also use more intelligent tools to help optimize your SEO. Esale provides you with a listing optimization feature, offering intelligent optimization suggestions for Etsy sellers. Using AI technology, it helps generate listing titles, descriptions, and recommends tags that are more suitable for your products more efficiently.

How to Optimize Etsy Listings

Etsy SEO and keyword tags are one thing, but promoting your products to convert these potential customers into sales is another. For this, you can get the highest quality, most authentic products on the Etsy platform. However, if you don't promote them well or if their pricing isn't accurate (either too low or too high), it might weaken your SEO results.

To help you with this, Esale provides you with a convenient and free Etsy profit calculator, quickly calculating your costs and income, assisting your pricing strategy. Now, let's learn some tricks to optimize your Etsy listings.

Optimize Your Tags

The first step to making the most of tags is to optimize them. Ensure your listings are placed in the right tags. If you don't categorize them properly, you risk them not ending up in the right category.Being specific is also the key to utilizing tags more.

Etsy allows you to use a total of 13 tags for your listings. Using these tags is crucial. It might not make sense, but you need to be both specific and broad at the same time. The key is to categorize your products in as many appropriate places as possible.

Create a Shop Name That Accurately Describes Your Products

As mentioned before, making sure your store name is similar or related to your products is crucial. Now, this doesn't mean you can't get creative. However, your Etsy store name should at least reflect what you're selling. Remember, you're not running a big brand, so you need to let customers know what you're selling immediately.

The good news is, if you've named your store already, you can rename your Etsy shop and link. Changing the store name is quite easy, so at least ensure it remains optimized. A good Etsy store title should be attention-grabbing. You should look at top stores on Etsy to get some excellent Etsy store title examples.

Update Your Listings as Frequently as Possible

What does updating your listings mean? Simply put, it means deleting your listings and reposting them. If there's any new information or updates about the product, you should use this new information to update the post. When it comes to being found on Etsy, updating as much as possible is essential.

As mentioned, updating your listings means you're also refreshing its content. This will help keep your products relevant on Etsy. Doing this will help you be found as much as possible on Etsy.

Prioritize Customer Service

The first rule about selling on Etsy is that your growth efforts will only go so far without customers.

This is why many new sellers on Etsy often get discouraged, as sellers with hundreds/thousands of followers and reviews dominate. However, never forget that even those exceptional Etsy sellers had to start somewhere.

For this reason, the best way to gain attraction as a trusted seller is to prioritize customer service, be responsive to customer reviews, and obtain as many 5-star reviews as possible.

Now, Esale provides you with an AI review analysis tool, using AI technology, utilizing ChatGPT to help you analyze your store reviews, gain customer profiles, and understand customer expectations and insights quickly. This helps you understand customer psychology effectively, improving your product service.

While a significant part of this still involves Etsy SEO and learning how to optimize your Etsy store, as these are key factors to becoming a reliable and trustworthy source, another part is transparent, friendly, responsive, and open professional conflict resolution.

It also means managing your inventory, having a well-operating Etsy fulfillment process, and seamlessly handling order operations from purchase to delivery for a seamless and positive customer experience.

Combined with providing high-quality products, you'll obtain five-star ratings, leading to a snowball effect of more sales.

Conclusion – Don't Underestimate Etsy SEO

In summary, learning how to sell on Etsy and how to optimize your Etsy store is the cornerstone of short-term and long-term success on the platform. Overall, these Etsy SEO techniques can not only help you make more sales on Etsy but also pave the way for a profitable and scalable future.

You can take it a step further by using tools like Esale to enjoy the fruits of business automation, simplifying your SEO/Etsy SEO journey so you can spend more time on other areas of your business to progress faster.

Finally, for Etsy sellers, taking action, getting motivated, and reaching your maximum growth potential might seem daunting, especially in the constantly changing market landscape.

However, if there's one thing for sure, as long as you have the right tools and SEO ranking methods in your pocket, you're already ten steps ahead of those who don't. Don't let the process overwhelm you; optimizing your Etsy shop and surpassing competitors for more sales is not as complex as it might seem on the surface. Because with some careful SEO customization and more intelligent SEO tools, you can achieve new levels of Etsy ranking success.


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