If you are a seller or buyer on Etsy, you may encounter some challenges, such as how to find the best products and keywords for you, how to analyze your competitors’ shop and product situation, how to improve your shop rating and reputation, and how to use data analysis and artificial intelligence to optimize your operation efficiency and revenue. These problems may affect your success and satisfaction on Etsy.

Is there a web tool that can help you solve these problems? The answer is yes, it is EtsyHunt. EtsyHunt is a website that provides data analysis and product research services for Etsy sellers and buyers. It uses artificial intelligence and big data technology to provide you with the following main services:

Product Research

If you want to sell or buy products on Etsy, you need to know which products are the most popular and profitable. But there are over 50 million different products on Etsy, and it is not easy to find the best products for you. Moreover, the market demand and trend are constantly changing, and you need to keep up with these changes to maintain your competitiveness.

EtsyHunt’s product research feature can help you solve this problem. It allows you to access the latest database of the best-selling products on Etsy, and find the products you want through various filtering conditions, and view their details. For example, you can filter products by the following conditions:

  • Price: You can set a price range to find products that meet your budget or profit margin.
  • Reviews: You can set a review number range to find products that receive positive or negative feedback from buyers.
  • Category: You can select one or more categories to find products that belong to specific fields or themes.
  • Shipping source: You can select one or more countries or regions to find products that ship from specific locations.

When you find a product that interests you, you can click on it to view its details, such as:

  • Tags: These are the keywords or labels that the seller sets for the product, which reflect its features or advantages.
  • Description: This is the text description that the seller writes for the product, which introduces its functions or uses.
  • Sales: This is the total sales amount that the product has obtained on Etsy in the past year.
  • Favorites: This is the number of times that the product has been favorited or added to the wish list by buyers in the past year.
  • Reviews: This is the number of times that the product has been rated or commented by buyers in the past year.

By viewing these information, you can understand the performance and popularity of the product in the market, as well as the strategy and optimization methods that the seller sets for the product. These information can help you discover the hot products and niche markets in the market, as well as analyze your competitors’ product strategy.

Keyword Research

If you want to sell products on Etsy, you need to know how to set suitable titles and descriptions for your product listings, to attract more customers and increase your sales. But there are millions of keywords on Etsy, and it is not easy to find the best keywords for you. Moreover, different keywords have different search volume, sales, competition and trend, and you need to keep up with these changes to maintain your ranking.

EtsyHunt’s keyword research feature can help you solve this problem. It allows you to explore the popular keywords on Etsy, and find the exact keywords or tags for your product listings. For example, you can search keywords by the following ways:

  • Enter one or more keywords to see their data and relevance.
  • Select one or more categories to see the keywords that belong to specific fields or themes.
  • Select one or more countries or regions to see the keywords that are searched or sold in specific locations.

When you find a keyword that interests you, you can click on it to view its detailed data, such as:

  • Search volume: This is the number of times that the keyword has been searched on Etsy in the past year.
  • Sales: This is the total sales amount that the products corresponding to the keyword have obtained on Etsy in the past year.
  • Competition: This is a comprehensive indicator of the quantity and quality of the products corresponding to the keyword on Etsy.
  • Trend chart: This is a curve of the search volume and sales of the keyword on Etsy in the past year.
  • Country distribution: This is the proportion of the search volume and sales of the keyword in different countries or regions in the past year.

By viewing these data, you can understand the performance and popularity of the keyword in the market, as well as the demand and trend in different locations and times. These data can help you optimize your product titles and descriptions, to improve your ranking in the search results.

In addition to viewing the data of a single keyword, you can also view other information related to it, such as:

  • Related keywords: These are other keywords that have similar or related meanings or uses to the keyword you entered or selected.
  • Hot word cloud: This is a graphic composed of words of different sizes and colors that represent their frequency and importance, which is generated based on the keyword you entered or selected.

By viewing these information, you can expand your keyword range and ideas, to find more suitable keywords or tags for you.

Shop Analysis

If you want to run a shop on Etsy, you need to know how to manage and optimize your shop, to improve your shop rating and reputation. But there are millions of shops on Etsy, and it is not easy to find the best shops for you to refer or cooperate with. Moreover, different shops have different data and strategies, and you need to keep up with these changes to maintain your competitiveness.

EtsyHunt’s shop analysis feature can help you solve this problem. It allows you to analyze any Etsy shop’s data and strategy, and view their all product listings. For example, you can enter a shop’s name or URL, to analyze its shop situation. When you find a shop that interests you, you can click on it to view its detailed data, such as:

  • Shop rating: This is an indicator that Etsy evaluates based on the shop’s sales, favorites, reviews, average price, average shipping fee and other factors, which reflects its quality and reputation.
  • Sales: This is the total sales amount that the shop has obtained on Etsy in the past year.
  • Favorites: This is the number of times that the shop has been favorited or added to the wish list by buyers in the past year.
  • Reviews: This is the number of times that the shop has been rated or commented by buyers in the past year.
  • Average price: This is the average price of the products that the shop has sold in the past year.
  • Average shipping fee: This is the average shipping fee that the shop has charged in the past year.

By viewing these data, you can understand the performance and popularity of the shop in the market, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. These data can help you manage and optimize your own shop, to improve your shop rating and reputation.

In addition to viewing the data of a single shop, you can also view its all product listings, and sort them by sales, price, favorites and reviews. This way, you can see the most popular and profitable products that the shop sells, as well as their details. These information can help you understand your competitors’ product situation, as well as find potential partners or suppliers.

Smart Review Invitation

If you want to run a shop on Etsy, you need to know how to improve your shop rating and reputation, to increase the repurchase rate and loyalty of your buyers, as well as attract more potential buyers. But there are tens of millions of buyers on Etsy, and it is not easy to find the ones who are willing to leave you positive feedback or reviews. Moreover, different buyers have different preferences and expectations, and you need to keep up with these changes to maintain your service quality.

EtsyHunt’s smart review invitation feature can help you solve this problem. It allows you to automatically send invitation emails to your buyers, to improve your shop rating and reputation. For example, you can set up your emails by the following ways:

  • Sending time: You can set a time range to send emails, to find the best time to invite reviews.
  • Email content: You can set a title and body for your email, to express your gratitude and expectation to your buyers.
  • Email style: You can set a font, color, image and other elements for your email, to increase its beauty and attractiveness.

When you set up your emails, EtsyHunt will automatically send them to your buyers according to your conditions, and adjust them according to the buyers’ feedback. For example, if a buyer gives you a positive feedback or review, EtsyHunt will automatically send a thank-you email to the buyer, and invite them to buy again or recommend your products. If a buyer does not give you any feedback or review, EtsyHunt will automatically send a reminder email to the buyer, and encourage them to leave feedback or review. If a buyer gives you a negative feedback or review, EtsyHunt will automatically send an apology email to the buyer, and try to solve their problems or dissatisfaction.

By this way, EtsyHunt can help you improve your shop rating and reputation, to increase the repurchase rate and loyalty of your buyers, as well as attract more potential buyers.


EtsyHunt is a very powerful and practical web tool that can help you improve your operation efficiency and revenue on Etsy. It uses artificial intelligence and big data technology to provide you with the following main services:

  • Product research: It allows you to access the latest database of the best-selling products on Etsy, and find the products you want through various filtering conditions, and view their details. It can help you discover the hot products and niche markets in the market, as well as analyze your competitors’ product strategy.
  • Keyword research: It allows you to explore the popular keywords on Etsy, and find the exact keywords or tags for your product listings. It can help you optimize your product titles and descriptions, to improve your ranking in the search results.
  • Shop analysis: It allows you to analyze any Etsy shop’s data and strategy, and view their all product listings. It can help you understand your competitors’ shop situation, as well as find potential partners or suppliers.
  • Smart review invitation: It allows you to automatically send invitation emails to your buyers, to improve your shop rating and reputation. It can help you increase the repurchase rate and loyalty of your buyers, as well as attract more potential buyers.

If you want to learn more about EtsyHunt, or register for its service, you can visit its official website. EtsyHunt is a web tool that is worth trying and trusting, it can make you easy money and fun on Etsy.


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