ETSY is a global e-commerce platform for handicrafts and creative goods, with millions of sellers and buyers. It is a place where many creative people realize their dreams and income. However, it is not easy to successfully operate a store on ETSY. It requires sufficient market insight, competitive analysis capabilities and optimization strategies. If you want to improve your sales performance on ETSY, then you need a powerful and practical tool to help you do it. This tool is ESale.

ESale is a data analysis and optimization tool designed specifically for ETSY sellers. It can help you understand market trends and competitor situations, thereby developing more effective business strategies and improving sales performance. ESale has a variety of functions, the most important of which is the industry analysis function. The industry analysis function allows you to enter a keyword or category, and then displays relevant data and charts, such as market size, average price, popular products, popular stores, etc. These data and charts can help you gain insights into your market's needs and potential, as well as your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. Through the industry analysis function, you can optimize your ETSY operations and stores from the following aspects:,

  • When running a store on ETSY, choosing appropriate keywords or categories is crucial. First, you need to identify the type and style of goods you want to sell and determine your target market and positioning. To help you make the right decisions, ESale’s industry analysis feature can come in handy.The industry analysis function allows you to enter keywords or categories and displays their total sales, total number of orders, and changes in the past year on ETSY. This data can reveal the size, degree of demand, and growth or decline trends of keywords or categories in the ETSY market.By comparing different keywords or categories, you can find the keywords or categories with larger market size, demand, and growth trends as the main direction of your store. For example, if you plan to sell Christmas-related goods, you can enter the keyword "Christmas" and observe its market size and demand on ETSY.According to ESale's data, we can see that the "Christmas" keyword has a huge market size and degree of demand on ETSY, and shows obvious seasonal changes. "Christmas" sales and order numbers peak between November and December, then drop to lower levels between January and October. This shows that "Christmas" is a keyword with great potential, but you also need to pay attention to its seasonal characteristics and how to maintain sales during the off-season.If you wish to further segment your target market, you can enter more specific keywords or categories, such as "Christmas decorations", "Christmas cards", "Christmas wreaths", etc., and compare their market sizes on ETSY and degree of demand.ESale’s data shows that these keywords or categories have varying market sizes and levels of demand on ETSY. "Christmas decorations" and "Christmas cards" have larger market sizes and demand levels, while "Christmas wreaths" are relatively smaller. This shows that "Christmas decorations" and "Christmas cards" are popular product types, while "Christmas wreaths" may face greater competitive pressure.Through the industry analysis function, you can choose keywords or categories that are in line with your store's positioning and style, have large market size, high demand, and have growth trends as the main direction of your store. This will help attract more target customers and increase your exposure and ranking on ETSY.
  • When operating a store on ETSY, it is very important to determine a reasonable price strategy. Price directly affects customers’ purchasing decisions and also has a significant impact on your store’s profits. Therefore, you need to develop a reasonable pricing strategy based on market conditions and competitors.
    To determine a reasonable pricing strategy, you can leverage industry analysis capabilities to help you make decisions. The industry analysis function allows you to enter keywords or categories and displays the average selling price of related products on ETSY and price changes in the past year. These data can reflect the price level of keywords or categories on the ETSY market, the degree of volatility, and whether there is an upward or downward trend.
    By comparing different keywords or categories, you can find those with higher or lower average selling prices and those with an upward or downward trend, which can serve as a reference for your pricing strategy. For example, if you plan to sell Christmas-related items, you can enter the keyword "Christmas" and observe its average selling price on ETSY.
    According to ESale data, we can see that the "Christmas" keyword has a relatively stable average selling price on ETSY, which has not fluctuated much in the past year, around $20. This shows that the keyword "Christmas" has a relatively reasonable price range on ETSY. You can decide whether the price of your product is within this range, higher or lower than this range based on the cost, quality, uniqueness and other factors of your product.
    If you wish to further segment your target market, you can enter more specific keywords or categories, such as "Christmas decorations", "Christmas cards", "Christmas wreaths", etc., and compare their average sales on ETSY price.
    According to ESale’s data, we can see that the average selling prices of these keywords or categories on ETSY vary. "Christmas Ornaments" and "Christmas Cards" have a lower average selling price, around $10, while "Christmas Wreath" has a higher average selling price, around $40. This suggests that "Christmas decorations" and "Christmas cards" are cheaper and easier to make types of goods, while "Christmas wreaths" are relatively expensive and complex.
    Through the industry analysis function, you can identify keywords or categories that match the type and style of your products, have higher or lower average selling prices, and have an upward or downward trend, as a reference for your pricing strategy. This will help you determine a reasonable price range based on market conditions and competitors, and develop a competitive and profitable price strategy based on the cost, quality, uniqueness and other factors of your goods.
  • Find inspiration and creativity When running a store on ETSY, another important issue is how to design and produce attractive and unique products. Commodity is an important factor that affects customers' purchasing decisions, and it is also an important factor that affects your store's brand image. If you can design and produce inspiring and creative products, you can attract more target customers and increase your reputation and loyalty on ETSY. However, it is not easy to design and produce inspired and creative products, and it requires sufficient imagination, skills and resources. If you don’t know where to find inspiration and ideas, then you can use industry analysis features to help you make a decision. The industry analysis function allows you to enter a keyword or category, and then displays the most popular products of this keyword or category on ETSY, as well as their sales, number of orders, number of collections, number of comments and other data. These data can reflect the most popular product types, styles, colors, materials, functions and other characteristics of this keyword or category on ETSY, and why they can attract customers' love and trust. By looking at the most popular products under different keywords or categories, you can find those products that are inspired and creative, and meet market demand and customer preferences, as a reference for your design and production of products. For example, if you want to sell some Christmas-related products, then you can enter "Christmas" as the keyword and see which of its most popular products are on ETSY. According to the data displayed by ESale, we can see that the most popular products with the keyword "Christmas" on ETSY are as follows: Personalized Christmas decorations: This kind of product refers to products that can be customized with names, Christmas decorations with date, photo and other information. The characteristic of this kind of product is that it can provide customers with a personalized and special experience, making them feel that they are unique, and increasing their emotions and memories of the product. This kind of product is very popular on ETSY, with high sales, orders, collections and comments. Handmade Christmas cards: This product refers to hand-made creative and beautiful Christmas cards using various materials and techniques. The characteristic of this kind of product is that it can showcase the seller's craftsmanship and artistic sense, let customers feel the seller's intention and enthusiasm, and increase their appreciation and trust in the product. This kind of product is also very popular on ETSY, with high sales, orders, collections and comments. Unique Christmas wreaths: This product refers to the use of various materials and elements to create Christmas wreaths with unique styles and themes. The characteristic of this product is that it can provide customers with a novel and fashionable choice, making them feel unique and increasing their interest and curiosity in the product. This kind of product also has a certain market on ETSY, with high sales, orders, collections and comments. Through the industry analysis function, you can find products that are inspired and creative and meet market demand and customer preferences, as a reference for your design and production of products. This can help you design and produce attractive and unique products, and increase your reputation and loyalty on ETSY.
  • Analyze competitors. When running a store on ETSY, the last important question is how to analyze competitors. Competitors are an important factor affecting your store performance and also an important factor affecting your store optimization strategy. If you can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, you can find your position and differentiation points in the market, and develop more effective business strategies and optimization strategies. However, analyzing competitors is not easy and requires sufficient data and information. If you don’t know how to analyze your competitors, you can use the industry analysis feature to help you make a decision. The industry analysis function allows you to enter a keyword or category, and then display the most successful stores for this keyword or category on ETSY, as well as their sales, number of orders, number of collections, number of comments and other data. These data can reflect the most successful store type, style, size, evaluation and other characteristics of this keyword or category on ETSY, and why they can stand out in the market. By looking at the most successful stores under different keywords or categories, you can find stores that are similar or different to yours and analyze their strengths and weaknesses as a reference for analyzing your competitors. For example, if you want to sell some Christmas-related items, then you can enter "Christmas" as the keyword and see which of its most successful stores are on ETSY. According to the data displayed by ESale, we can see that the most successful stores with the keyword "Christmas" on ETSY are as follows: OrnamentShop: This store specializes in selling personalized Christmas decorations, with sales of more than 1 million and With 200,000 orders, it is one of the largest Christmas decoration stores on ETSY. The advantage of this store is that it can provide various types and styles of personalized Christmas decorations to meet the needs and preferences of different customers, and has a high level of quality and service, which has won praise and trust from many customers. The weakness of this store is that it may face many similar competitors and needs to constantly update and innovate its merchandise to maintain its leading position. PaperDainty: This store specializes in selling handmade Christmas cards. With more than 500,000 sales and 100,000 orders, it is one of the largest Christmas card stores on ETSY. The advantage of this store is that it can showcase the seller's craftsmanship and artistic sense, produce creative and beautiful Christmas cards, and have a high degree of customization and personalization, allowing customers to feel the seller's intention and enthusiasm. The weakness of this store is that it may face some price-sensitive customers and needs to spend more time and resources making goods to ensure their quality and efficiency. TheWreathShed: This store specializes in selling unique Christmas wreaths. With more than 200,000 sales and 50,000 orders, it is one of the largest Christmas wreath stores on ETSY. The advantage of this store is that it can provide customers with a novel and fashionable choice, produce Christmas wreaths with unique styles and themes, and have high brand recognition and loyalty, making customers feel that they are special. of. The weakness of this store is that it may face some problems with lower market demand and competition, and it requires more costs and materials to make the goods, making them expensive and complex.

Through the industry analysis function, you can find stores that are similar or different from yours and analyze their strengths and weaknesses as a reference for analyzing your competitors. This can help you find your position and differentiation point in the market, and develop more effective business strategies and optimization strategies.


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