Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade and vintage goods. If you are an Etsy seller, you know how important it is to rank high on the search results and attract more buyers. But how do you optimize your listings for the best keywords? How do you find out what your potential customers are searching for? How do you measure the effectiveness of your keyword strategy?

In this blog post, I will introduce you to some of the best Etsy keyword tools that can help you with these questions. I will also share some tips and best practices on how to use them to improve your Etsy SEO and increase your sales.

What are Etsy Keywords and Why are They Important?

Etsy keywords are the words or phrases that buyers type into the search bar when they are looking for something on Etsy. For example, if someone is looking for a personalized necklace, they might search for “custom name necklace” or “engraved necklace”.

Etsy keywords are important because they determine how your listings are matched to the buyer’s search query and how they are ranked on the search results page. The more relevant and popular your keywords are, the more likely your listings will be seen by your target audience and the more traffic and sales you will get.

How to Do Etsy Keyword Research?

Etsy keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the best keywords for your products and niche. It involves understanding your target market, your competitors, and the search trends on Etsy. Here are some steps to follow when doing Etsy keyword research:

  • Start with brainstorming. Think of all the possible words or phrases that describe your products and your niche. You can also use tools like [Google Keyword Planner] or [AnswerThePublic] to generate more ideas.
  • Use Etsy keyword tools to find and evaluate keywords. There are many tools that can help you with this, such as [Etsy Keyword Generator], [Etsy Keyword Research], [Etsy Keyword Search], [Etsy Keyword Tool], and [Etsy Keyword Database]. These tools can show you various metrics and data about the keywords, such as search volume, competition, click-through rate, conversion rate, and more. You can use these tools to find the most relevant and profitable keywords for your listings.
  • Narrow down your keyword list. Based on the data from the tools, you can select the best keywords for your products and niche. You should aim for keywords that have high search volume, low competition, and high conversion rate. You should also consider the intent and context of the keywords, and choose keywords that match the buyer’s stage in the purchase journey. For example, if you are selling personalized necklaces, you might want to target keywords like “gift for mom” or “anniversary gift” rather than just “necklace”.
  • Test and refine your keywords. Once you have your keyword list, you should test them on Etsy and see how they perform. You can use tools like [Etsy Rank] or [Marmalead] to track and analyze your keyword performance and ranking. You can also use tools like [Google Analytics] or [Etsy Stats] to measure your traffic and sales from different keywords. You should monitor your keywords regularly and make adjustments as needed.

How to Use Etsy Keywords in Your Listings?

After you have done your keyword research, you need to use your keywords in your listings to optimize them for Etsy SEO. Here are some tips on how to use Etsy keywords in your listings:

  • Use your main keyword in your title. Your title is one of the most important factors for Etsy SEO, as it tells Etsy and the buyers what your product is about. You should use your main keyword or phrase in your title, preferably at the beginning. You should also make your title clear, concise, and descriptive. For example, if your main keyword is “custom name necklace”, your title could be “Custom Name Necklace - Personalized Jewelry - Gift for Her”.
  • Use your secondary keywords in your tags. Your tags are another important factor for Etsy SEO, as they help Etsy match your listings to the buyer’s search query. You should use your secondary keywords or phrases in your tags, and make sure they are relevant to your product and niche. You can use up to 13 tags per listing, and each tag can have up to 20 characters. For example, if your secondary keywords are “engraved necklace”, “silver necklace”, and “birthstone necklace”, you can use them as your tags.
  • Use your keywords in your description. Your description is not only a place to provide more information about your product, but also a place to include your keywords and improve your Etsy SEO. You should use your keywords naturally and organically in your description, and avoid keyword stuffing or spamming. You should also make your description informative, engaging, and persuasive. For example, you can use your keywords to highlight the benefits and features of your product, to address the buyer’s pain points and needs, and to include a call to action.
  • Use your keywords in your attributes. Your attributes are the additional details that you can add to your listings, such as color, size, occasion, style, and more. These attributes can help Etsy refine the search results and show your listings to the most relevant buyers. You should use your keywords in your attributes, and make sure they are accurate and consistent with your product and niche. For example, if your product is a custom name necklace, you can use attributes like “personalized”, “silver”, and “jewelry”.


Etsy keywords are essential for your success as an Etsy seller. They can help you rank higher on the search results, attract more buyers, and increase your sales. To find and use the best keywords for your products and niche, you need to do proper keyword research and use effective keyword tools. You also need to optimize your listings with your keywords and follow the best practices for Etsy SEO.

I hope this blog post has given you some useful insights and tips on how to use Etsy keyword tools to boost your sales. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!


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