When an employee leaves, they might take all their chat logs and customer information with them. What if another employee can't see any of this information? Not knowing how many customers they talked to each day, the total number of customers, or what was discussed. What if they insult a customer or ask the customer to add their personal contact?

As companies grow, these issues become more prevalent, making the management and oversight of WhatsApp chat logs necessary.

This article introduces how to monitor and manage WhatsApp chat logs using WADesk to enhance company management capabilities.

1. WhatsApp Chat Log Backup

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Marketing through WhatsApp comes with the risk of account suspension. No one can guarantee 100% safety from suspension. In such cases, backing up WhatsApp chat logs is crucial, preferably in real-time, as manual backups can be unreliable.

By linking WhatsApp to WADesk, all chat information and contacts are backed up in real time, with the backup refreshing every 7 minutes. This allows for anytime access and export. Even if a WhatsApp account is suddenly suspended and inaccessible, the WADesk management dashboard allows you to view and export information, ensuring important customer data isn't lost.

2. Transferring WhatsApp Customers

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Scenario one: If an employee leaves, their chat history and customer contacts can be exported and transferred to another employee to continue communication.

Scenario two: If a WhatsApp account gets suspended, and a new account contacts a customer who then doesn’t recognize you, showing them screenshots of the chat history from the old account can build trust and continue the conversation.

3. Regulating WhatsApp Chat Policies

Since administrators can view all WhatsApp chat logs, employee conversations can be monitored and regulated. Even if an employee deletes a conversation on their device, it remains visible in the admin dashboard.

This allows for oversight and management of inappropriate behaviors like insulting customers or unethical practices, ensuring company standards are upheld.

WADesk now supports a 3-day free trial, contact customer service via WhatsApp group QR code or click the link https://chat.whatsapp.com/FFOfl2rXNAvKY1BXAy5Gsz to get it !


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